National City Bank | BusiNET








National City Bank







Project:    Networx







Subject:   Printed summary of issues discussed
at business roundtables. Used for
customer retention and business
(Click graphic to read sample.)







Involvement:  Participate in roundtables and
develop summary.








¨ Attend business roundtables as a “scribe” and take notes on
issues discussed by table leader and participants.

¨ Participate in critique session immediately post-event to
evaluate table leaders, event location, time of day, etc.

¨ Establish deadline for other scribes to type up their notes.

¨ Set deadline for staff to provide a list of participant comments.

¨ Receive typed notes from scribes via email and remind
outstanding scribes to submit their information.

¨ Review notes from others and seek clarifications as necessary.

¨ Read customer comments and select best entry.

¨ Analyze each table’s discussion and select three (3) most
important issues covered by the leader at the given table.

¨ Formulate issues discussed into a Q/A format.

¨ Write both question and answer for each issue.

¨ Determine which issues of the e-zine BusiNET corresponded to
issues covered at each table and include cross-references to
BusiNET at the end of each Q/A section.

¨ Develop and write a cover letter undersigned by Executive VP.

¨ Submit Q/A’s to the appropriate table leaders for review.

¨ Provide cover letter draft to Executive VP for review.

¨ Edit Q/A’s and cover letter as necessary according to feedback.

¨ Deliver final product via email in agreed upon format on time and
under budget.


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National City Bank | BusiNET













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